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发布时间:2013-05-14 来源:美国留学
Short Answers
1. St. Paul's School is a fully residential community where faculty, their families, and all students live together. We believe that community relationships are essential in shaping the whole person. Tell us about your current residential community, which may include your neighborhood, hometown, friends, family, and mentors. How has this community shaped who you are?
2. Mark Twain is known to have said, "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." Describe a moment when you demonstrated moral courage and stood up for what you believed was right...or wish you had
3. Service is an important part of our School's mission. How do you imagine yourself being a good citizen and serving your community?
Choose one:
1. Where do you find beauty in your life? For example, you may find beauty in the pattern of numbers in a math equation, in the tempo of chirping crickets, or in the smell of your old baseball glove.
2. If you had a billion dollars to donate to science and technology, what would you support and why?
3. How do you define success? Name someone who best lives up to your definition.
4. At St. Paul's School, we believe that learning from mistakes is an essential part of growing up. Tell us about a time when you stumbled in life. How did you handle it? What did you learn?
5. You are on a group trip in a country where your language is not spoken. You become separated from your group, carrying only a passport and a limited amount of cash. What do you do?
Short Essay
1. What is the most important piece of advice you have ever received and what role does it play in your life? Please limit your answer to 1600 characters (about 300 words).
Personal Essay
2. Most of the information about you that the Admission Committee considers comes from others. The essay portion of the application is our recognition of the importance of what you say about yourself. How much you write is less important than what you say. Remember that we are trying to get a sense of you as a distinct individual. Consider your personal essay not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to tell us what you think is important. Each student at Deerfield has a faculty advisor who guides his or her academic choices and serves as a personal counselor. Please write an essay on what you think would be valuable for your advisor to know about you. Include your goals, hopes and expectations, as well as the influences that have most shaped your life.
三.Groton School格罗顿学校
Short Answers
At Groton we want to know our applicants well. Learning about your values and life experiences will help us greatly. The following questions involve topics both lighthearted and serious. Please provide us with a few sentences to answer each question.
1. What do you love to do?
2. Which three words would you use to describe yourself?
3. Describean activity you have found to be especially absorbing.
4. How have you been helpful to other people?
5. What makes you laugh out loud?
6. What is the most interesting thing you have learned in the past year?
7. What do you like about the school you are attending now?
8. What is your favorite place to be?
9. Describe one of your talents and how you developed it.
10. For what are you grateful?
Please respond with approximately 150 words to the single question in Part A and 300-400 words to one of the three questions in Part B.
A. What in particular do you like about Groton?
B. Please respond to one of the following questions:
1. What are the ingredients of a meaningful life?
2. True or False: “What goes around, comes around.”
3. Which people, places or experiences have had the biggest impact on your character and view of the world?
四.Hotchkiss School霍奇基斯中学
Short Answers
1. Choose a song whose lyrics describe you and where you come from, and discuss your choice.
2. Hotchkiss is a diverse, international community. How would you contribute to this dynamic and unique place?
3. What current event has mattered to you? In what ways have you engaged with this issue?
Please respond to ONE of the following three prompts. Your response may be written, with a maximum of 500 words in length.
1. What have you done to try to improve the quality of life in your school or community?
2. Hotchkiss’s efforts towards environmentalism and sustainability, including building a biomass power plant and sourcing crops from The Hotchkiss Farm, are a priority. What initiatives have you encountered that make a difference? What else might the school do to help protect the quality of the environment?
3. The Hotchkiss School is an engaged community of teachers and learners. About which academic topics are you curious?
五.The Lawrenceville School劳伦斯威尔高中
Short Answers
1. List and describe your level of interest and participation in school activities (school, volunteer groups, athletics, music, etc.). List any awards or honors you received in the past two years. In which activities do you plan to participate in the future?
2. List and describe your level of interest and participation in hobbies, activities, and groups not associated with school. List any awards or honors you received in the past two years.
3. What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why?
4. Please note anything more you would like us to know about you.
5. Please choose one of these statements and then write a 250-500 word response to it.
5a. Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal.
5b. What makes you the interesting person that you are? (Be sure to include the qualities you like best about yourself.)
5c. Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking.
At Lawrenceville, asking good questions is just as important as answering them. Now, we would like you to do both. Ask and answer a question that reveals something interesting about you.
六.Middlesex School米德尔赛克斯中学
Short Answers
1. In which academic subjects are you most interested?
2. In what extracurricular activities, including sports, are you involved at school/outside of school?
3. Do you have any special interests or hobbies?
4. Have you won any prizes or awards in school within the last two years?
5. What extracurricular activities at Middlesex do you expect will interest you most?
6. What books have you read recently for pleasure?
Please limit your response to 350 words. Please respond to one of the following essay questions:
1) Write a letter to your new faculty advisor in which you introduce yourself, define your goals and aspirations for high school, and explain why you believe Middlesex is a school that fits you well.
2) You are granted a seat on the Middlesex Admissions Committee. What characteristics would you weigh most heavily when evaluating applicants to the school and why?
3) What are people most surprised to learn about you?
七.Milton Academy米尔顿高中
Short Answers
1. Tell us about a recent school project or assignment that you really enjoyed.
2. If you were to create a personal library, which three books would you be sure to include (in any genre)? Why?
3. Of the activities listed above, which is most important to you? Why?
4. Milton Academy is a vibrant and diverse place. Being a part of the Milton community is an experience that extends well beyond the classroom. How do yousee yourself contributing to this community?
Please write two essays. The topic for essay #1 is required of all applicants. For essay #2, please choose one of the topics listed. Each essay should be no more than 500 words in length. Your essays will be evaluated for the quality of writing as well as for content.
Essay #1.Required of all applicants.
Describe the environment in which you were raised - your family, neighborhood or community - and how it influenced the person you are today.
Essay #2. Choose one of the following topics. (Maximum 500 words)
A. Conversations can sometimes affect people long after the talking is over. Can you tell us about a conversation that changed your perspective, or that held particular meaning for you?
B. Please select one of the following quotations and write about how it is meaningful to you.
"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it." Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel." T.S. Eliot, Milton Academy Class of 1906
八.Phillips Andover Academy菲利普斯安多夫学院
Short Answers
1. What do you like most about yourself? Why?
2. Choose one situation below (either A or B). How would you handle it?
A. After two weeks of living with 