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发布时间:2015-04-27     来源:美国留学


给关心美国艺术教育的朋友贴些信息. 特别注意我用了2个不同的资料, 排名可能差异比较大 . 但是在美国还是很权威的. 这里选的学校都是美国艺术学院协会承认的正式大学, 基本都是私立学校. 没有按排名列出, 都是非常好的艺术大学.其实还有cooper union的艺术专业也非常强, 但是不知道为什么没有在榜上.选择艺术学院最重要的不仅是看综合排名, 而且要看那个专业的方向是否和你一致, 因为不同的学校在专业上的偏重可能差异非常大.


注意学费不包括住宿和吃饭. 特别注意学费已经是以前的资料, 目前普遍上涨了5000美金左右.


Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland . 以绘画专业最出名.


$29,700 for one full year



Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island



$32,858 for one full year



Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, Ohio


$28,100 for one full year



Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri


这个学校的毕业生包括大名鼎鼎的 Walt Disney 和画家 Robert Rauschenberg.

$27,220 for one full year



School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


以绘画专业最著名, 校友包括 Thomas Hart Benton, Leon Golub, Edward Gorey, Halston, Hugh Hefner, Jeff Koons, Bill Mauldin, Elizabeth Murray, Joan Mitchell, Georgia O'Keefe, Klaes Oldenburg, and Grant Wood.

$32,550 for one full year



Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, California


$28,346 for one full year



California College of the Arts, San Francisco, California


$29,280 for one full year



Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania(公立大学)


$22,270 out of state

$12,398 in state


这个学校算是学费最便宜的一个, 性价比非常好. 是TEMPLE大学里的艺术学院



Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington DC



$25,890 for one full year


Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York


PRATT一直是个非常著名的艺术大学, 著名校友包括 Dave Berg (Cartoonist for Mad Magazine), Jules Feiffer, Eva Hesse, Robert Mapplethorpe, George Lois, Harvey Fierstein, Ellsworth Kelly, Peter Max, Beverly Pepper, Paul Rand, Robert Redford Robert Sabuda, Max Weber and Rob Zombie.

$29,900 for one full year


下面的名单是美国艺术学院协会推荐的14个顶尖艺术学院, 以艺术专业(绘画, 雕塑, 插图, 室内设计等专业来打分) 在美国读艺术学院一定要注意是否有 National Association of Schools of Art and Design(NASAD美国艺术学院协会)的承认




Art Academy of Cincinnati • Cincinnati, Ohio

Acceptance Rate: 21.4%

Number of undergraduate students: 164

Tuition: $21,500


Art Center College of Design • Pasadena, California

Acceptance Rate: 59.6%

Average retention Rate: 87.8%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,470

Tuition: $31,076


California College of the Arts • San Francisco, California

Tuition: $33,254

Acceptance Rate: 76.8%

Average retention Rate: 74.5%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,355


College for Creative Studies • Detroit, Michigan

Average retention Rate: 76%

Tuition: $29,985

Number of undergraduate students: 1,365



Columbus College of Art and Design • Columbus, Ohio

Tuition: $25,146

Acceptance rate: 68%

Average retention Rate: 79.5%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,599


Maryland Institute College of Art • Baltimore, Maryland

Tuition: $34,090

Acceptance Rate: 51.7%

Average retention Rate: 85.5%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,633


Massachusetts College of Art and Design • Boston, Massachusetts

Tuition: In-state: $8,400; Out of State: $24,400

Acceptance Rate: 51.4%

Average retention Rate: 84.2%

Number of undergraduate students: 2,199


Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Tuition: $26,050

Acceptance Rate: 74.7%

Average retention Rate: 73.5%

Number of undergraduate students: 666


Minneapolis College of Art and Design • Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tuition: $29,700

Acceptance Rate: 55.5%

Average retention Rate: 85.2%

Number of undergraduate students: 685


Otis College of Art and Design • Los Angeles, California

Tuition: $31,360

Acceptance Rate: 53.4%

Average retention Rate: 80.5%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,140


Pratt Institute • Brooklyn, New York

Tuition: $34,880

Acceptance Rate: 41.9%

Average retention Rate: 85%

Number of undergraduate students: 3,107


Rhode Island School of Design • Providence, Rhode Island

Tuition: $36,659

Acceptance Rate: 29.3%

Average retention Rate: 94.8%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,926


Ringling College of Art and Design • Sarasota, Florida

Tuition: $29,440

Acceptance Rate: 69.8%

Average retention Rate: 83.3%

Number of undergraduate students: 1,229


University of the Arts • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tuition: $31,000

Acceptance Rate: 44.8%

Average retention Rate: 79%

Number of undergraduate students: 2,183
