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发布时间:2012-07-06 来源:美国留学
毕业生的质量关系到医学院的名誉和发展, 培养出高质量的医学生是医学院奋斗的主要目标。所以,美国各医学院不断进行教学改革, 积极寻找新的教学思路和方法, 有专人进行教学效果和教学质量的研究与评价。为了较好地评价毕业生的质量, 美国医学院探讨了许多评价方法。
一、教师对学生评价: 教师通过考试、与学生交流、观察学生的操作能力对学生进行评价, 此法是比较传统的评价方法。
二、学生彼此之间打分, 相互评价。这是某些医学院比较推崇的方式。他们认为学生彼此评价更能准确、客观地代表学生的能力水平, 并起到一个学生之间相互促进、相互学习的作用。三、一次性通过全美医师资格考试比率,也是各学校之间评比的主要方式。
四、随机抽取毕业生调查, 通过用人部门对毕业生水平和能力的反馈, 评价学校的教育水平和质量。通过以上手段, 学校分析寻找教学活动中的不足, 进一步加强教学改革, 提高人才培养质量。
无论何种评价方式, 均体现出一个意义: 以学生为中心。
各医学院校虽然有各自的教学安排, 但各自均有自己培养医学生的道理。如费城宾州大学医学院在培养临床医师的同时, 实行学生毕业后可在校进行一年研究能力训练的制度,对那些有志从事医学研究的学生进行专门的科研训练, 为将来的临床研究打下坚实的基础。考察中, 我们深刻感觉到只要学生对教学有所求, 医学院就尽力做到予以满足。在一些情况下, 医疗活动围绕教学安排进行。我们曾见到手术医生在手术台下给学生讲解腹腔镜的使用和观察, 然后再洗手上台手术。教师的热心、学生的努力、教学资源和教学条件的现代化保证了每个医学生的毕业质量。医师的高收入、崇高的社会地位、激烈的竞争环境也迫使每位医学生发奋学习、严于律己、精益求精。
1、Harvard Medical School, Boston. 哈佛
Tuition: $45,050
Fees: $3,467
Room and Board: $12,900
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $103,663
Total Enrollment: 725
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurology surgery; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology.
2、University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 宾州医学院
Tuition: $43,960
Fees: $3,212
Room and Board: $18,796
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $119,800
Total Enrollment: 608
Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; internal medicine; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
3、Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. 霍普金斯大学医学院
Tuition: $41,200
Fees: $4,810
Room and Board: $17,986
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $102,376
Total Enrollment: 463
Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; otolaryngology; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
4、Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 华盛顿大学医学院
Tuition: $48,800
Fees: $0
Room and Board: $10,542
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $100,275
Total Enrollment: 493
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology (diagnostic).
5 (Tie)、Duke University, Durham, N.C. 杜克大学医学院
Tuition: $44,482
Fees: $3,221
Room and Board: $14,160
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $112,792
Total Enrollment: 422
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; internal medicine (pediatrics); ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); surgery (general); and urology.
5 (Tie)、Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 斯坦福大学医学院
Tuition: $44,196
Fees: $621
Room and Board: $24,162
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $90,006
Total Enrollment: 456
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
5 (Tie)、University of California, San Francisco. 加州大学旧金山分校医学院
Tuition: $0 (in state); $12,245 (out of state)
Fees: $30,474
Room and Board: $19,636
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $105,314
Total Enrollment: 618
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
5 (Tie)、Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 耶鲁大学医学院
Tuition: $45,600
Fees: $500
Room and Board: $11,590
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $122,247
Total Enrollment: 382
Most Popular Programs: Dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurological surgery; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and radiation oncology.
9、University of Washington, Seattle. 华盛顿大学医学院
Tuition: $23,049 (in state); $52,029 (out of state)
Fees: $475
Room and Board: $15,843
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $121,193
Total Enrollment: 926
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
10 (Tie)、Columbia University, New York. 哥伦比亚大学医学院
Tuition: $46,212
Fees: $4,750
Room and Board: $15,531
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385
Total Enrollment: 638
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
10 (Tie)、 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 密西根大学医学院
Tuition: $27,928 (in state); $44,666 (out of state)
Fees: $4,750
Room and Board: $15,531
Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385
Total Enrollment: 665
Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pathology (anatomic and clinical); pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general).
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